'Winds Of Winter' UPDATE: What To Expect In George R. R. Martin's 'Game Of Thrones' Book Six

By Lovely Pao | Aug 24, 2015 11:48 AM EDT


George R.R. Martin's "Game of Thrones" book six with the title "Winds of Winter" has yet to be released, but as early as now, fans can't wait for it to come out. Their anticipation heightened since the HBO TV adaptation has left a lot of cliffhangers that moved "Game of Thrones" followers to the edge of their seats.

Politics, personal relationships and war were the themes of the first four books. This time, the remaining three novels will not center on those themes but rather, they will have some visible threads. Reports surfaced that the real antagonists would be the White Walkers also known as The Others, as per iDigital Times.

Parent Herald reported that "Game of Thrones" Season 5 based on "A Dance with Dragons" ended with the Night's Watch stabbing their very own Lord Commander because they felt that Jon Snow became a traitor to their cause when he decided to pursue the wildings in the hopes of getting them as allies to fight the White Walkers.

These White Walkers posed a great and imminent threat to Westeros. If the rumors were true, expect that "Winds of Winter" would probably reveal the destruction of the Black Wall leading for the feuding kingdoms to unite. Another theory was that of Daenerys Targaryen and her children — dragons Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion — to come to the aid of Westeros.

Meanwhile, author George R. R. Martin refused to divulge the release date of "Winds of Winter."

According to Australia network, he answered, "Don't ask me when the book is going to be done — I'll ask my minions to lop your head off," when asked about the next book in his "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. The author also added that "Game of Thrones" Season 6 may air its final episode ahead of his book hitting the shelves.

HBO has already started filming "Game of Thrones" Season 6 while Martin is still burning the candles for "Winds of Winter," which was assumed to be the basis of the upcoming season.

At first it bothered Martin that the TV series will get past his books, but he stated that he already has come to terms with the blunt reality so worrying about it won't achieve things differently.

He said, "The show is moving forward like a locomotive, or sometimes a jet locomotive. They're writing 60-page scripts, I'm writing 1,500-page novels. So who the hell knows?"

HBO "Game of Thrones" producers Dan Weiss and David Benioff planned to do the show in eight seasons. Although the ending of the medieval fantasy is top secret, "Winds of Winter" author George R. R. Martin has given it away to the pair, as per The ExpressTribune.

Catch "Winds of Winter" when it becomes available soon.

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