Apple TV: What Do Critics Have To Say About The Cupertino-Based Tech Giant's Latest Device?

By Alex Cruz | Nov 03, 2015 06:00 AM EST


Apple TV, which is already the fourth generation, was launched Friday. Prior to its debut, the Cupertino-based tech giant promised to deliver to consumers a kind of TV experience they never had before.

Running on the new operating system called tvOS, Apple claims that with their latest device, the future of television is here. Critics, on the other hand, have divisive opinions about the company's newest product.

Critics say that the new version is faster and easier to use. One tech reviewer from MacWorld reported that the fourth-generation AppleTV's performance had been improved compared to its predecessor, and since it was hooked up, there were no problems with network connectivity or iTunes outages.

Despite the enhancements, it has been reported that isn't free from bugs. Certain messages get stuck at the top part, but it will go away if you quit and restart the playback.

One of the AppleTV features complimented by the critics is the game offering. In addition to that is allowing to find multiple video apps through a universal search.

The coolest and most probably biggest feature Apple can boast with iPhone is Siri, a computer program that primarily works as an intelligent personal assistant or a knowledge navigator. The closest thing it can be compared with is "Iron Man's" artificial intelligence— although Jarvis is far more advance.

Siri, however, in AppleTV reportedly doesn't work as well as it does with its mobile counterpart. It can tell you what the weather is, which films have a certain actor in them, and can rewind a movie.

If you miss a scene, all you needed to do is hold down a button on the remote, ask Siri "what did he say?" and the film will be rewound 15 seconds, then a temporary dialogue pops up on the screen. As per the review of Time, it can be also told to fast-forward through the scenes.

However, it cannot control music like it can with movies, according to the review of International Business Times. The review further stated it could not navigate Apple Music collection, but owners can make use of the remote control to control music like before.

AppleTV's App Store reportedly doesn't have charts, and categories. The rumored streaming is missing and the Remote App for iOS does not work with the fourth-generation device.

Many tech critics have high regard for Apple's product, but they believe that it would be difficult to sell if the flaws are not fixed.

The new AppleTV can be purchased at $149 for 32GB, and $199 for 64GB.

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