Huffington, Garruti, Robbins, Webb, Industry Leaders to Revolutionize 2016

By A. M. | Dec 24, 2015 08:30 AM EST


Rainier Maria Rilke describes the New Year as "full of things that have never been." Seen through the eyes of CEOs, founders and shakers at Huffington Post, Shake Shack, Ford, Accenture and other industry leaders, here's an interesting peek into their brand of work-life balance and goal-setting compiled by Business Insider. Do successful leaders make their New Year's resolution differently?

#1 Arianna Huffington, The Huffington Post cofounder and editor-in-chief, commits to walking what she talked in her new book 'The Sleep Revolution' in terms of getting enough rest. With a promotional tour coming up in her schedule, Huffington says: "So the timing is perfect, because I firmly believe in the power of certain milestone moments to help us hold ourselves accountable and make changes in our lives. And going public with it (like this) is a really good way to make the commitment stick."

#2 Julie Sweet, who leads the North American group of Accenture, says: "I want to explore more - explore the world with my kids - new places and experiences, explore the new trends in technology, stretching my boundaries, and explore the new possibilities to make Accenture the best place for our people."

#3 Shake Shack CEO Randy Garutti interestingly aims to focus on four specific things in 2016.

#4 Drybar cofounder Alli Webb's resolution is an inspiration for those trying to make significant lifestyle changes:  "I recently read a blog post from Seth Godin titled 'Light on your feet' - and this sentence in particular really struck a cord with me: 'When we are light on our feet we make better decisions, bring joy to those around us, and find the flexibility to do good work.' It has forced me to reevaluate the way I approach many areas of my life ... work, kids, and my marriage."

#5 Etsy CEO Chad Dickerson's main goal is focused on his son: "In 2016, I'd like to begin learning Korean so that I can eventually help my 4-year-old Korean adopted son learn it, too. When he's older, I want to go with him to Korea and be able to fully experience the culture together."

#6 Author and  business-life strategist Tony Robbins' resolutions have an impressively wide scope: "Two of my primary financial goals of 2016 are to break our Feeding America 100 Million Meal contribution marker in order to provide some relief for those in need here in the US. We're at 91 million meals as we close out 2015, I want to break the 100-million mark right out of the gates in 2016, because we're on pace to exceed 130 million this calendar year!

"Another outcome of 2016 is we'll provide fresh, clean water for some 250,000 people in India, where 1.5 million children die each year from water and sanitation diseases."

#7  'Evoke' game designer and author Jane McGonigal says: "In 2016, I'm going to set out to thank someone different every day for 365 days in a row. I'm really curious to find out if I can do it. A lot of people make resolutions to feel gratitude more, by counting their blessings or keeping a gratitude journal. But I find that gratitude feels better and has a much bigger impact when you actually express it to the people you're grateful to!"

#8 RetailMeNot CEO Cotter Cunningham supports environmental efforts with his 2016 goal: "One of my resolutions for the New Year is to be more environmentally aware. For example, in the last year or so I have been trying to eat more organic fruits and veggies and less meat, drink more water, etc. Part of drinking more water is avoiding the plastic bottles. We have done a good job at work; I need to try harder in my personal life."

#9 TOMS main boss Blake Mycoskie aims to add gratitude to his year: "For 2016, my resolution is to show more gratitude and perhaps even start a gratitude journal. We're coming up on our 10-year anniversary at Toms, and I have been reflecting on all the wonderful people that really helped Toms get off the ground in the early days and helped us achieve every milestone over the past 10 years. It will be a great addition to my morning meditation that Heather, Summit, and I can do together. Gratitude."

#10 Ford EVP-CFO Bob Shanks divides 2016 between a home project with his wife and bringing further Ford's 2015 successes: "On the business front, we're ending an extraordinary year at Ford, so I'm looking forward to building on that foundation in 2016 as we continue strengthening our core business, while we work to realize new business opportunities that are emerging that have been created by new technologies sweeping over our industry and how people move."

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