Career Cruising: A Different Kind of Matchmaking

By Florence May P. Jose | Jan 02, 2016 12:30 PM EST


Deciding on your career is not as easy as answering the question "What do you want to be when you grow up" back when you are a child. It's definitely and entirely different now that you are 17 and everything feels like its rushing. Every decision will surely affect your future; some can even alter your life.

Though it may seem like a little bit scary-no scratch that. It is terrifying, it is somehow one of the most precious moments in life when you look back. Choosing a career is crucial, it is a fact. But it doesn't mean not enjoyable and meaningful. It is an overall learning experience.

Thankfully, aside from the career assessment tests you are taking in school, (which are pretty vague actually), you can now go online and go Career Cruising.

Career Cruising is an "interactive career guide" getting popular and available in most Canadian libraries and are being sold to schools

Because of its features that offer career options, plan-making and self scrutiny, Career Cruising is now being used by five million people all over the world.

Career Cruising is an over all experience: First, users watch series of informative videos that are full of information on the careers the students are interested in. It covers a lot of jobs from farming to law and more. These videos have a student-friendly approach that will not bore and intimidate the kids.

After the introduction, the student takes the matchmaking tests. These are a series of questions about his/her interests and skills that would be a great determinant of the student's passion and career preference. The guide also includes the salary range for each career track.

It's really like taking a career assessment exam on school, but it is interactive and real time. So for those who are finishing high school this year, have fun and treasure this moment. Don't bee scared and happy Career Cruising! 

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