5 of the Worst Career Advices You'll Ever Hear

By Steph Tortogo | Jan 11, 2016 11:20 PM EST


Yes, career advice can come in handy whenever you need to hear them, but unfortunately, not all of them are of the good kind. Here are 5 of the worst career advice you'll ever receive:

1. "If you're not passionate, leave."

Although it is almost everyone's goal to be able to find a job that they love, it can sometimes be impractical. Entry-level jobs are usually filled with low-level tasks, which means you have to trump your way to betterment. Don't just quit if you feel lowly and exhausted. Always remember that patience is the key.

2. "Apply for as many jobs as possible."

While this may seem like a great deal of productivity, applying for as many jobs as you can also opens the door for confusion. Focus on a job where you can grow as an employee.

3. "Delete 'irrelevant' and 'unrelated' jobs from your resume."

No matter what position you're applying for, never omit your other jobs. Your employers are certainly interested with that section of your resume, and might be impressed of the other things that you have done and can do. Take it as an opportunityto be able to expand your career growth. 

4. "Everybody has to start somewhere."

By somewhere, do these people who are bad at giving advice mean that you just have to accept whatever offer is laid on the table? Always take some circumstances into consideration. Accepting off-tracks career goals, apparently known as 'somewhere', can get you into more complicated situations.

5. "They don't pay you enough for you to include that in your work scope."

This is indeed the worst piece of advice you'll ever hear. If you actually think that you're too good to do something, then your motives are questionable. You have to stop thinking about the personal rewards only. Always remember, good deeds and great work don't go unnoticed.

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