5 Must-Watch Movies About Career

By Steph Tortogo | Jan 25, 2016 08:38 PM EST


Maybe because we can relate to them or they speak to us, the reasons as to why we love watching movies so much are endless. One of the most fantastic things about movies is that they are too influential in all levels. They make us feel, think, and most of all, take action upon things that need our attention. Movies are powerful. Here are 5 that you might want to watch for your career and motivation:

The Pursuit of Happyness. This movie showcases in the most beautiful way the tragedy that life can throw upon you, no matter who you might be. Chris Gardner, played by Will Smith, who always struggled to make ends meet becomes homeless with his son but becomes a successful stockbroker because of determination and good nature. This story will inspire you to bring the best out of yourself and stressing reselience amidst the chaos.

The Devil Wears Prada. In a work place, almost nothing is impossible - not even bosses that raise hell as a habit. This movie tells us that not all jobs that sound amazing and give handsome pay are actually healthy for oneself and sometimes are just good when perceived from the outside. Trust your gut and when something doesn't feel right, but take into consideration that drastic career moves have uncertain results.

Working Girl. Melanie Griffith plays the role of Tess McGill who displays the tenacity it takes whenever opportunity knocks on the door. Just like everyone else, she gets knocked down, but stands back up, flips her hair and gets a corner office on Wall Street. Isn't that something?

Elizabeth. Only 25-years-old at the time, Elizabeth I lacked any experience governing a nation that is divided on the brink of ruin. By learning to trust her instincts, she was able to step up and rule England for 45 years during Golden Age.

Office Space. This is a must-see for those who have built a circle in a work place, but is not limited to them only. The story is about a group of friends who hate their jobs so they plant a virus to steal money from the company. Well, this doesn't mean you should plant a virus on your company's system as well, but this movie depicts what it's like to be in a job you hate. It teaches how you can survive something you dread by having awesome people around you. 

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