These Bad Habits Can Get You Fired

By Jose de la Cruz | Jan 22, 2016 08:34 PM EST


You're only human and you're not expected to perform at your optimum level all the time. But when your job performance is adversely affected by lingering bad work habits, you need to watch out. Your boss might be forced to get a much more efficient replacement.

What are some of the work habits that can get you fired? Here are some bad habits that you need to control when you're at work.

1. Doing something else than your work

The reason your employer is paying your salary is so that you can add to his bottom line. Therefore, when you're at work, you have to work.  Spending even just one minute in checking and updating your Facebook or Twitter account is not part of your duties, unless it is something that your boss asks you to do.

2.  Avoiding small responsibilities

If you are a supervisor, or a manager in some office, it would be very tempting to shirk away from small and insignificant tasks that you think is below your status. But there's a fine line in avoiding tasks by saying that's not part of your job and just avoiding something that must be done right away. Focusing on what's important at the moment will help you decide whether to do the task, even if it is not really part of your responsibilities.

3. Hiding your mistakes

It is normal to cover up your little mistakes. But there is a difference if that mistake has the potential of adversely affecting the performance of a co-worker, or even the bottom line of the company. When your employer finds out that you are the culprit, you cannot blame him from firing you. Therefore, if you think the mistake you have committed will badly impact the company, you need to steel up, confess your mistake to your boss, and face the consequences. Who knows? He may even praise you for being brave enough to admit it.

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