How the Workplace Will Change in Thirty Years

By Jose de la Cruz | Jan 25, 2016 10:10 PM EST


As time progresses, the workplace has experienced dramatic changes. The workplace of the 1970s is vastly different from today's work environment. If current technological breakthroughs are sustained and improved, the world can expect a totally changed workplace in thirty years.

Here are some of the significant changes that will dramatically impact the way the workplace will look in the next three decades.

1. More and more companies will veer away from traditional offices

With the internet, many people are now commuting less and less to 'go to the office.' Currently, this is not just true for freelance workers, but with big corporations as well. By veering away from traditional offices, a company would be able to hire the most qualified candidates, even from the other side of the world.

2.  Increased utilization of social technology

More work will be done using Twitter, Skype, Facebook and other social media networks. These communication venues have provided a vast resource of communications even now. This will even increase in the future because of their cost-effectiveness, convenience, and timely results. There will be more effective ways that these networks will be utilized for collaboration and facilitation of learning in all levels of a company.

3. New jobs will be created

More and more, the business world will see humans working side by side with robots. Many car manufacturers have already been doing this, and this set-up will increasingly penetrate other industries as well. This will mean companies need to train people how to work and use A.I. in a better and smarter way.

4. Traditional roles in the workplace will slowly disappear

The role of managers, supervisors, and chiefs will no longer exist simply because the traditional layers of management will change. Instead of duties going vertically, they will go laterally. This will result in a flat form of management structure.

This is the prediction of James Canton, PhD and Chairman and CEO of the Institute for Global Futures. "Traditional roles are going to disappear because many workplaces are going to disappear, so the whole structural hierarchical system is going to disappear," explained Canton.

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