5 Introspective Books For The Dreamers Who Need Inspiration For Their Success

By Steph Tortogo | Feb 09, 2016 12:40 PM EST


There are a lot of things around us where we could pull out inspirations from. Intangible or tangible, we have our friends and family or feelings. One thing that most people go to for on hand wisdom is a book. If in case we run out of sources, books are just there - all set and ready to teach and be explored. Here are 5 of the best introspective books that every dreamers and aspiring artists should read:

1.      The Art of Happiness by The Dalai Lama. Leave it to His Holiness the Dalai Lama to enlighten you with the importance of happiness. In all aspects, especially in success, happiness is important.

2.      If This Isn't Nice, What Is? Advice for the Young by Kurt Vonnegut. As all of his fans know him, Vonnegut is a unique author that gives insightful and witty words for those who need them. This book marks the passage from student to full-time adult.

3.       Writing Down the Bare Bones: Feeling the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg. This amazing author will advise you to write what disturbs you, what you fear, and what you have not been willing to speak about. To write is to express, and in more ways than one, writing is an outlet.

4.       The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp. In this book, Tharp provides 32 practical exercises based on the lessons and experiences she has accumulated in her remarkable 35-year career.

5.      The White Album by Joan Didion. This book, which is a journalistic mosaic of the 1960's American life, includes bizarre artifacts about personalities and the dark journeys and impulses of the Manson family. This is where Didion exposed the realities and dreams of an age of self-discovery that would surely tickle your fancy.

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