‘Winds of Winter’ Release Date Still In The Works; George R R Martin Won’t Talk About Jon Snow’s Actual Status!

By | Mar 02, 2016 10:52 PM EST


Everyone is waiting in anticipation for the "Winds of Winter" release date, but author George R. R. Martin is still busy working on it. While the last installment won't be published in the next few months, will GRRM be genereous enough to spill the beans on Jon Snow's status instead?

George R.R. Martin previously promised that he won't write anything until he finishes "Winds of Winter." Between writing the pages of the new book, the author is seen attending several events like the Mysticon Fan convention in Roanoke, Virgina.

Usually, during a convention, authors would read out materials to their fans. It was expected that GRRM would be reading out his in-progress Targeryen's "Fire and Blood" history. It was hoped that he'd be reading from "The Winds of Winter," but that didn't happen. Instead, George R.R. Martin opened the platform for some good old fashion Q&A.

When fans asked questions to authors like GRRM, it would usually range from personal preferences to super secret classified information that can be only made available to a select few. A dedicated reader who is quite intimately familiar with GRRM's creations decided to dig deep and take advantage of the Q&A. The question everyone wanted to ask - "Is Jon Snow dead?"

GRRM put on a deadpan face. To distract him from that question, he was then asked if he has seen or liked the TV version of the series. His response was a positive "Sure." Circling back to the issue, he was asked again "No, really, is Jon Snow dead?"

He remained silent.

Comicon attendees did explain that there were other topics that GRRM answered, but if it's regarding the "Winds of Winter" release date then it's not a highlight that is ready to be featured yet.

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