The Three People At Work You Should Not Make Enemies Out Of

By R S Ali | Mar 12, 2016 07:56 AM EST


It is a well established fact that careers and work have a lot to do with knowing the right people - maybe even more than your credentials. Make sure you don't make enemies of these people!

Being friendly with the right people can get you job benefits, make your life easier and even put you on the path to a promotion!

Connections are everything - especially because they can be the difference between making and breaking a career. It is, however, important to remember that the relationships you are looking to form are work relationships; not personal. They are there for the express purpose of you moving ahead in your career. Do keep the balance though; there is absolutely no need to be a soulless monster about it.

Try to keep your relationships as good as possible with these three people, says Monster:

1. The Front desk person

Receptionists are the eyes and ears of the company. They are often like gatekeepers so they can have a lot of power. They know who's coming and who's going, and may often even have quite a lot of say in it.

2. The Admin people

Administration is all about planning and managing - planning your career and your day-to-day, that is.  Admin staff can be very useful connections, and they may even put in a word for you where specific projects you want in on are concerned. Managerial positions are by default people who hold power, and you don't want to go making enemies with that.

3. The Boss

This one is an obvious one. Your life can get very difficult if your boss hates you. There's no need to suck up to them; but you need to have a give and take relationship of respect with them. If your boss genuinely likes you, there are better chances of you getting advancement opportunities in your career. 

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