All 30 Oculus Rift Games Revealed! Three Game Modes Announced

By Marijim D. | Mar 19, 2016 04:48 AM EDT


All 30 Oculus Rift games that will be available to buy for the VR headset have been revealed. The news comes after Sony announced the PlayStation VR release and price.

Eurogamer reported that the Oculus Rift games will be available when the console is released on Mar. 28. The list includes VR versions of "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter" by The Astronauts as well as racing game "Project Cars" by Slightly Mad Studios.

The Oculus Rift games will also have three different "comfort" levels: "intense," "moderate" and "comfortable." The publication's editor, Oli Welsh, described intense games as mostly first-person or third-person with a fast-moving camera like in racing games.

Moderate games, on the other hand, are third-person with a slow-moving camera. Comfortable Oculus Rift games have a fixed camera that is able to switch views but not move.

"Elite: Dangerous," which was recently announced as one of the Oculus Rift games, is considered to be intense. This could be caused by the spaceship dogfighting involved in the program."Gunjack" is reportedly moderate while "Pinball FX V2" is comfortable.

The Oculus Rift games will cost between $4.99 and $59.99. "Elite: Dangerous" and the "EVE Valkyrie Founder's Pack" are the more expensive games while "Adventure Time" is the most affordable as of the moment.

Other Oculus Rift games in development include Harmonix's "Rock Band VR" as well as Insomniac's "Edge of Nowhere. There have been no official announcements for the release of these games yet.

In an interview with Engadget, Oculus co-founder and CEO Palmer Luckey shared his thoughts on Oculus Rift and virtual reality. "People talk a lot about 2016 being the year of virtual reality," he said.

"To a degree that is going to be true. But it's not going to be all of a sudden everyone in the world is using virtual reality, or even that all gamers are using VR. There is going to be an adoption curve over time starting with more early adopters and PC gamers that own or are willing to buy a high-end PC."

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