Why Microsoft's Ambitions Huge And Massive?

By Xandria A. | Apr 02, 2016 09:05 AM EDT


The giant tech company aims on mustering everything to gain momentum and win over their competitors. Microsoft's ambition might be huge and massive but for Microsoft, the need to be lethal and firm is crucial for their company's solidity.

In a post from the Verge it has been noted that Microsoft aims on strengthening its business portfolio and there is nothing wrong with it because it can generate more career opportunities for the society and solidify its business presence as well.

However, many are wondering why the tech giant's ambitions are huge and massive and are speculating on the notions as reasons for the tantamount goals that the company aims to achieve.

Since the failure of the firm to dominate the mobile industry, the next project aims to expand and solidify its enterprise. According to the same report, "Everything Microsoft showed was about addressing the next big change in how the world interact with technology, whether that comes in the form of virtual and augmented reality, the development of more natural inputs like handwriting and conversation, or the eyebrow-raising concept of AI bots talking to other AI bots."

Microsoft's visions and goals are future oriented and it aims on staying that way as well. Furthermore, the company is accepting the notion that they were not able to overthrow Android or Apple's iOS and thus redirected their gaze on other state of the art technologies and innovations.

To prove the latter, Microsoft is looking into various options and endeavours to strengthen its firm. In line with that, in former post from Jobs & Hire, it was cited that the tech giant firm has been speculated to be a part of the buy out for Yahoo. However, those notions should be taken with a grain of salt at bay.

Nevertheless, despite the rising tensions and downfalls, Microsoft remain resilient and the company's resolve to attain its massive goals and ambitions are escalating on any given day.

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