The Worst Mistakes You Can Make In Your 30s: Is There Any Way To Avoid Them?

By Steph Tortogo | Apr 11, 2016 01:58 AM EDT


After using your 20s to take risks and try to find yourself, your 30s is probably the perfect time to settle down. Quora users discussed about their biggest mistakes during their 30s and what they've learned from it. The Business Insider collected some of the most insightful responses. Take a look at them.

1. You aren't driven by purpose

"I learned that if you don't have your purpose, then make it your obsession in life to find it. It took me over a year, and I was completely disconnected from the rat race during that time. Don't stop until you've got it. You'll know when you have," Jack Sheu, a designer, wrote.

2. You don't set up a financial foundation for the future

"Had I invested the money instead, I could have comfortably retired now (I am 44)," an anonymous Quora user wrote.

3. You neglect your personal relationships

There is more to life than just working. You should make memories while you still can. According to the Microsoft product designer Michael Dorian Bach, the older you get, the harder it is to make meaningful relationships. He wrote that you should foster them while you're young.

4.  You don't spend enough time with your ageing parents

"When I was 34 I hung up the phone on my dad in an argument and never returned his calls. Six months later he had a stroke and died. A week before that he had emailed me to say hello but I didn't return the email. I'm sorry, Dad," entrepreneur and blogger James Altucher wrote. Don't take your parents for granted.

5.  You neglect your health

"Be healthy. That is priority No. 1. Don't get into your 30s being slow and tired all the time. It sucks," Bach says.

6.  You stop having fun

Bach states that he almost spent the half of his adult life chasing money and it only made him unhappier.

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