Can Donald Trump Win Every Delegate in New York By Promising Jobs?

By Alexandra Park | Apr 14, 2016 10:31 AM EDT


Donald Trump, one of the presidential hopeful is forecast to render his desire for presidency in the city of New York.  

Based on a past post by The New York Times, "Unless every poll is wildly wrong, Donald Trump is going to win in New York on Tuesday, and he's going to win big. But exactly how he wins really matters. A few votes here or there could make the difference between a solid or shaky road to the Republican nomination."

It stands to reason that Donald Trump would be treading on the a shaky ground if he is not able to get 50 percent of the total vote statewide and in each congressional district to win as well. In addition, the recent survey shows Mr. Trump clearing 50 percent of the vote, with many of the most recent surveys even placing him in the mid-50s, as noted by the same post.

If Trump renders promises of jobs and stability, the city of New York and its jobseekers are in for a tough ride. It has already been noted that Trump wants all Americans to be the first priority in terms of jobs and comfort. He even publicly criticized Ford for expanding its operations outside the country, specifically in Mexico, as noted by Jobs & Hire.

As Donald Trump enters the Big Apple, he must present every platform that would ensure that each delegate in New York is able to see the sincerity and the promises would not go down the drain if he does attain the most powerful seat of the nation.

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