Sirin Labs Launches Secure Smartphone At $10,000 Plus For Executives

By Joe Nichols | Apr 26, 2016 09:01 AM EDT


Sirin Labs is developing a high-end smartphone that will be priced from $10,000 to $15,000 which could qualify it as the "Rolls Royce of Smartphones." Its design focus is centered on absolute security.

This cellphone may still have a market since Blackberry has not been very active in marketing pricier mobiles that none of the popular brands today have been able or unwilling to develop.

"After over two years of intensive research and development, SIRIN LABS is poised to present our first product, a mobile phone built without restriction or compromise," boasts the company in its official website.

However, the website didn't offer much information about the smartphone, except a hint about its name - Solarin. It will be unveiled at the tech company's London flagship store.

The British-Israeli startup is set to sell this high tech mobile next month. Sirin said that it had raised $27 million in private funds for its launching. Company executives will be the primary target for this high-end, high-security smartphone.

"(Our) smartphone ...brings the most advanced technology available - even if it is not commercially available - and combining it with almost military-grade security," said Moshe Hogeg, Sirin president and co-founder. 

The smartphone will be using the Android operating system and will run unspecified technology that is two to three years in advance of what is currently used by most cellphones.

Sirin Labs was co-founded by Hogeg, an Israeli venture capitalist with Kenges Rakishev, a Kazakh investor and Tal Cohen, a McKinsey-trained serial entrepreneur. Hogeg and Rakishev started the company in 2012, and Cohen later joined them in 2013.

Hogeg believes that American and European executives by the thousands will be willing to pay the price of the smartphone to be able to enjoy the security it offers. Business information is more expensive when it is hacked and this smartphone offers absolute security against hacking.

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