For The Millenials: Eight Indispensable Skills They Need To Thrive In Today's Economy

By Steph Tortogo | Apr 28, 2016 04:54 AM EDT


As we all have come to know, the world has been on its nonstop acceleration. It is no secret that this world is constantly changing in an incredibly fast pace. There are some skills and capabilities from the past that have become obsolete and irrelevant in the present time. To succeed in today's economy and catch up with its speed, young entrepreneurs must know that fresh, and new valuable skills are needed to be developed. Here are eight skills that might come in handy for many years to come, according to Fox News.

1. Cultivate diverse cultural awareness.

It is truly important to have a diverse understanding of different cultures because entrepreneurship is going bigger on the global scale. With their extensive travel experience, some millenials have the advantage over the ones who have only lied and operated in the same place over time. The more you get out of your usual zone, the more you will be able to interact with people from other culture, hence, adding up to the level of your experience and open-mindedness.

2. Utilize time-saving productivity tools.

"Time is the most valuable asset for young entrepreneurs. It's always depleting and you can't buy more of it. The most successful entrepreneurs know how to make the best use of their time. Outsourcing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr give entrepreneurs the ability to save time by outsourcing tasks to talented freelance service providers from around the globe. Personal productivity apps like Evernote, Slack and Feedly make it easier to stay organized, communicate with your teams and execute actions quickly," Chris W. Dunn of says.

3. Develop high social and emotional intelligence.

"In a digital world, it has become extremely important to hone your social and emotional intelligence skills. Social media has allowed us to quickly connect with people around the world, but some say this has come at the cost of real connections and relationships. Tools like email and instant messaging limit our ability to communicate emotions like sincerity, anger and empathy. Millennials need to understand the limitations of these digital platforms and learn how to communicate most effectively," Dunn stated.

4. Know how to effectively use mobile digital marketing.

"If you want to succeed at selling and influencing in today's economy, then you need to know how to spread your message through mobile digital marketing. With an overwhelming amount of content being produced every day, millennials need to be able to stand out from the crowd," Dunn advises.

5. Be an effective self-manager.

Millions of people have already started working without supervision which has given them a sense of autonomy. Yet, in order to be an effective one at it, because it doesn't always work for some people. There are those who still operate more effectively when under certain guidance.

6. Understand core computer technology.

Even if you think you already have a lot of knowledge when it comes to computer programming and the like, you might still want to get back to learning the core and basics.

7. Study financial literacy and practice sound investing.   

Many millenials have grown afraid of the financial system ever since that global financial crisis back in 2008, but if you're interested in growing your wealth, then you must study how the public stock market, real estate and startups work.

8.Research and find answers to complex problems.

"Being able to dig in and find answers is a very valuable skill, but it takes savvy thinking and determination. Those who can think critically and creatively will be able to find answers quicker than those who think inside the box," Dunn says.

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