IBM Facing Same Fate As Verizon, Union Workers In Action Again?

By Alexandra Park | May 18, 2016 08:34 AM EDT


The ripple effect that Verizon has sparked is causing much unrest and even other tech companies have been noted to face similar scenarios as well. It appears that IBM and its recent actions are linking the tech firm to troubles.

The speculations started when IBM has decided to close some of its site operations. According to Patch, "IBM plans to close its operations in Somers and move everyone and everything into the Armonk campus, and the company's plan is to consolidate in North Castle and sell the huge campus on Route 100."

Although the Company officials told employees about the move on Monday and how the North Castle campus will be renovated and the Somers site will be sold, according to the same post, the move has created worry and anxiety for the affected stakeholders

In addition, IBM's call to shift and close its operations has affected not only the employees but even the Somer region as well. The closure would mark the second large company that Somers has lost, and the recent one was that of Pepsico which vacated its massive facility within close proximity with IBM.

On a different note, although the closure is not on the same league as Verizon and even though there are no union workers voicing their dismay, it still spells out trouble for IBM just like it did for Verizon. Jobs & Hire formerly mentioned of the ripple effect and that not just Verizon but other segments such as the US Foods facility in Severn that dealt with the strike as well.

As for the notion that IBM faces the same fate as Verizon and encountering union workers fury in Somer, it remains uncertain and unsettled even today.

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