5 Tips To Play 'Pokémon GO' At Work And Still Keep Your Job

By Emily Marks | Jul 15, 2016 09:08 PM EDT


With its overwhelming rise to popularity just days after its release, "Pokémon GO" is taking over players' lives - affecting their relationships and even their jobs. There have already been warnings that users should not play the augmented reality game and drive.

BGR reported that the problem is not about players downloading the "Pokémon GO" game in their mobile devices and forget about their job responsibilities. There are growing concerns that employees may walk into machinery and hurt themselves as well as others.

Boeing has taken action against "Pokémon GO." The company has banned it by adding the augmented reality game to their blacklist of carrier bloatware apps.

Apparently, one worker had a "near miss" while playing the game. They have had 100 active installs of the app which have been disabled from all devices.

According to TIME, players should still have a balance between work and "Pokémon GO." Here are 5 tips that the publication shared.

1. Ignore Pokémon that may be on your boss's head no matter what. Yes, even though it's a rare catch and may not happen for a long time after. Just don't do it.

2. Go on PokéWalks with your co-workers but make sure that it's during your breaks and should not affect your work performance. Moving around also helps boost your productivity and creativity.

3. Eat your lunch outside, like at a local park. Rare Pokémon are more likely to be found in parks rather than on the streets.

4. Volunteer to run errands for your workmates. This will give you about 10 to 15 minutes of "Pokémon GO" time outside. Plus, you'll be helping your co-workers out at the same time.

5. If these breaks are not enough and you still want more, check out the jobs that will enable you to play "Pokémon GO" all the time. Gothamist noted one lady who charges $20 per hour to "walk around in 1-4 hour shifts signed in to your account capturing every single Pokémon I come into contact with, activating every Poke Stop I pass and walking nonstop to help hatch your eggs."

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