Pied Butcherbird Can Sing Like A Human Musician

By Paula | Oct 11, 2016 11:55 AM EDT


Research shows that the Pied Butcherbird has the tune of a singer.

This kind of bird can be mostly find on woodlands and forests. They are fond of going in parks and house.According to Birds in Backyard.net, it doesn't often show itself to people but it's fond of singing in trees.  

The male and female Pied Butcherbirds have the same plumage even though the male has larger one. They are aggressive feeders that feed on small reptiles, mammals, frogs, birds and large insects.

It is larger than the Grey Butcherbird. It is different from the Black-backed Butcherbird that can be found in Queensland.  They can often be found in Australian mainland except for southern, south eastern coastline and Tasmania.

Hollis Taylor from Macquarie University said that the tune of the Pied Butcherbird has many similarities with humans. Science Daily reported that Taylor believes that the knowledge gained from studying this bird will revolutionize the way human thinks about music.

With their research, they found out that birds who know more songs tends to interact better with other birds than those who knew fewer songs.This solidifies claims that bird songs needs musical principles, they said.

Ofer Tchenichovski from Hunter College said that the birds tend to play with tunes while creating a balance among boredom, confusion, repetition and variation.  He believes that this is a way for them to mate and establish their territory.

"This is probably an evidence that the birds' musical ability was a precursor to the evolution of the many dimensions of musical ability in humans," Tchenichovski added.

David Rothenberg from New Jersey Institute of Technology said that the truths of science and music may be different but there are moments when they need to work together to understand nature.

There's a "temporal regularity that increases with repertoire complexity in the Australian pied butcherbird's song," he concluded.

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