Emma Watson Latest News & Updates: HeForShe Advocate Transfigures Belle In 'Beauty And The Beast' Movie

By jonathan aguilar | Nov 23, 2016 05:19 AM EST


Emma Watson is taking her role as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador into her character Belle in the "Beauty and the Beast" movie. As a known HeforShe advocate, she probably could not refrain herself from turning Belle into an honest-to-goodness feminist.

"Beauty and the Beast" is set for release in March 2017 and is breaking trailer views records as movie fans await for its final showing. In the movie, a background story was created for Emma Watson's character showing her as an inventor who builds a washing machine so he can read books. In the animated version, it was Belle's father who was the inventor.

Emma Watson wanted more for her character Belle than just a lover of books. She believed that the movie did not project a sufficient background for Belle except for the fact that she loved books. Vogue reported that in an interview, Watson said "So, we created a back story for her, which was that she had invented a kind of washing machine, so that, instead of doing laundry, she could sit and use that time to read instead. So, yeah, we made Belle an inventor."

Aside from the washing machine story angle, Emma Watson also mage suggestions on the wardrobe to be used. She suggested that she wears boots instead of the petite ballet shoes because the character Belle is an excellent horseman and gardener. Of course, ballet shoes are not right for those activities.

These little changes add to the fact that Belle is a courageous lass who saves the beast in the end of the story. Game N Guide hints that Emma Watson seems committed to make this movie a show piece for her HeforShe advocacy in which she is quite active.

In the movie, Belle is not just a captive prisoner but an active feminist who is ready for action. Emma Watson's inventive tendencies have made "Beauty and the Beast" a film to watch.

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