Technical Innovation and Creativity Is The Key To Improving The US Jobs Market

By JC Santos | Nov 25, 2016 06:48 AM EST


The solution to a failing US jobs market is technical innovation and creativity that would create more specializations in the country. The two write that America -- the origin of LEDs, flat-panel televisions, microchips and lasers -- passed the torch to Asia after the US licensed the former said technologies for manufacturing and development. 

According to Wall Street Journal's Henry Kressel and David Goldman, the heart of the US jobs market problem is that America's innovations must "return" to become American jobs. The earlier licensing and permission to develop said technologies had been too loose.

The United States must safeguard mental property rights and patents effectively. Kressel and Goldman emphasized that the US must strive to "implement strict US content material guidelines" for "protection know-how." Their perspective suggests that the US jobs market needs more than just a boost in oil and energy industries deregulation as US President-Elect Donald Trump believes. 

The opinion piece comes in a timely manner as the US start-up market is at a 40-year-low according to CNN Money. The report indicates rough figures that fewer entrepreneurs are having an interest in entertaining their business ideas. CNN's Heather Long also pointed out that America's "Walmart-ization," referring to national chains and their advantage against smaller businesses. 

A lighter side to President-Elect Donald Trump's victory is the removal of "red tape" or paperwork and bureaucracy involved when opening a business. As Donald Trump is keen on restarting industries with deregulation in the energy sector he may as well make everything worth an innovator's while.

And if Trump succeeds? in 2001 predicted that the US jobs market would likely have these kinds of jobs in the near future with some of the jobs unlikely to see light. Technology could not replace real and talented teachers -- at least not yet as the possibility still exists.

Theoretical Physicist and Futurist Dr. Michio Kaku believes that as technology evolves, the "middlemen" or "repetitive" occupations such as insurance salespersons, clerks, and newspaper producers would be out of jobs and instead future jobs would focus on the "intellectual market" of "self-expression"

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