'Destiny 2' Release Date, News & Update: Bungie Confirms Launch of Game; New Characters, And Design For Gamers

By jonathan aguilar | Nov 28, 2016 07:46 AM EST


Bungie, Inc. has announced that the sequel "Destiny 2" is right on schedule for release in 2017. The game developer said that they are proceeding the finishing stages of their work on the sequel to the original game. 

Gamers are expecting that the sequel will be as good as the original game which they enjoyed so much.  They are also asking that some improvements be made on some aspects of the game play and if possible, the sequel can now be played on personal computers.

It was revealed by Game N Guide the new game play serial will not actually be a continuation of the original game but an entirely dofferent game with a new approach. Almost all of the features will be new but everyone can easily play the game including those who were not able to play the original game.

The developers have created new ideas and improved the game's content by changing game play, characters and the story as they progressed. The resulting product is a much more different and better game than the original Destiny game. They committed a lot of time on the changing the applications of the game so they can be played by all.

The "Destiny 2" game will have more firepower, warfare gear and other optional items that gamers can choose from. In addition to this, those who played the old Destiny game can use the same old character they used in the new version of the game.

This means that the gamers no longer need to create a new character for themselves since their old characters are carried over into the new game. They will also not easily get confused in using the new features of the game because of their  familiarity with the old game.

According to Itech Post, the release date of the game is set on September, 2017 and will be available for play for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Play Station 3, and PS4. Gamers are aware of this and expect they can play "Destiny 2" game by that time. 

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