How Saying ‘Thank You’ Improves One’s Career

By Czarina Ara | Nov 29, 2016 05:50 AM EST


Whether you are going into your first or even 50th job interview, or you are negotiating for a deal with a client or the boss, or you are on your way to having your much long-awaited promotion, saying "thank you" could make a difference into managing your present career. Forbes has listed some simple ways to help you lift your career through saying thanks.

First things first

Identifying what your priorities are is a good move to improve your career. You have to discover the things that make you settle with your present job, and what seems to be the missing point, as well. Maintain the good things that drive you to stay and try to determine what you must do in order to fill the lapses that you think mostly affects your performance at work. Through identifying your priorities according to the areas where you are most thankful for will let you figure out if you are doing good at work or not.

Preventing negative conversations

When a person tries to filter things depending on its effectiveness, he tends to see the things he is not thankful for which will sooner or later result to complicated conversations in the future as he has a tendency to ask for what he needs. However, giving gratitude is a way to prevent negative and difficult conversations for it make the other person realize that the two of them are on the same page as they are indeed agreeing on several things.

Leaving notes in a networking communication

For those who want to expand and develop their professional interactions with others, giving thanks is a very useful tool. For example, you had an interview for a job position, or you just had an exemplary meeting, saying a simple "thank you" afterwards could make a huge difference to the person or persons you are dealing with. Also, when you attended a seminar or a conference, leaving a simple note of gratitude to the lecturer or to the organizer will simply send them a message that you indeed absorbed something for the event you just attended.

Improving your social network feed

In this generation where most people are technologically inclined and are living their lives posting and surfing and liking on social media, giving thanks to someone who posted an insight that pokes your consciousness could really improve the way you interact with people. Since social media has been readily available to everyone, all the comments appearing on your feed will let you share your insights, interests and knowledge to other people. This will also help to improve your network especially when you intend to look for a job perfectly suitable for your expertise.

Being optimistic during a tough interview

Job interviews always tend to be tricky. Oftentimes, applicants are intimidated just after being asked with few questions. If this happens, always find a way to say "thank you" in order for you to lighten the mood instead of being judged as a loser. Show to the interviewers how thankful you are for your past experiences, as well as your past superiors.

Ending the interview

After an intense interview, whether you feel like it all perfect or even a disaster, always give time to say "thank you" to the interviewer to show that you are grateful for the time they spent trying to determine if you are fit in the job or not. Say thanks not only for the time, but for the information they had shared with you, as well. Through this, aside from extending your gratitude, the interviewers will also realize that you were actually paying full attention to them during your job interview, and might result to a better impression for you.

According to the Life Hacker, being appreciated is one of the many things that motivate people both in life and in work. "Thank you" is indeed a very powerful phrase that really affects people especially those who need to hear them most.

For more tips on how to improve your career and motivate yourself towards self-development, check out Jobs & Hire.

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