AI Robot Isn’t Dangerous To Humankind, Stanford Study Confirms

By Michael Jay Arizala | Nov 29, 2016 04:30 AM EST


Unlike most science fiction movies, Robots, in real life, are far more lovely and trustworthy and, according to scientists, they are equipped with excellent AI qualities that will benefit the humankind rather than conquer the world.

In a recent report, Stanford University's AI100 project reveals that artificial intelligence robots have many implications, mostly societal and governmental. The study also claims that people are safe with AI robots as they do not possess imminent threat towards humanity.

Stanford's AI100 project envisions public safety with robots?

The AI100 project envisions the impact of AI robots on humankind and how it will change the way people live by 2030. According to Digital Trends, one of the areas that the study tries to look into is the integration of artificial intelligence with policing and public safety.

Robots by then will be able to scan, classify and evaluate data through sensors for policing and law enforcement needs. A whole new level of communication is also going to be a superb feature wherein a robot can actually connect with people through social media.

Apart from policing and public safety, the scientists also envision these AI robots to be with humans for more practical use such as autonomous transportation, healthcare, the workplace, and education.

Not all scientists trust artificial intelligence

Despite progressive findings from AI researchers, there is still a number of renowned scientists and inventors alike who do not believe that AI is more than a friend than foe. A few years back, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk have divulged his fear about artificial intelligence.

In a recent report by Fortune, Elon Musk revealed that his biggest fear "is not that AI will develop a will of its own but rather that it will follow the will of people that establish its utility function". Musk also pointed out that lack of proper planning and consideration of the risks in developing these AI robots could cause harm rather than its original benign intention.

The views and opinions of the scientists on the issue of AI robots are quite equally divided. Some say it's a bad idea while others say it will benefit people and society. Stanford's study is still an on-going project, and unless someone shows concrete findings, the world can only wait for the AI100's official result.

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