‘Once Upon a Time’ Season 6 Winter Finale Spoilers, Latest News & Update: Magical Wish Saves Storybrooke? Sean Maguire Returns!

By Din Rose | Nov 29, 2016 01:16 AM EST


"Once Upon a Time" Season 6 Winter Finale heart-stopping plot gets a break, although American broadcasting Company treats the fans with "Wish you Were Here" synopsis before it. Now, everyone holds their breathe as only a magical wish can save the rest of Storybrooke residents. With the comeback of Robin Hood actor--Sean Maguire, hope embraces them more.

On the last "Once Upon A Time" Season 6 ninth "Changeling" episode, Rumple created a huge havoc with his baby stealing antics and getting the Evil Queen on his side. Belle needs to do a big sacrifice to stop him.

Now, the Storybrooke residents face a massive problem with Jasmine's lamp either it could help the Savior or the Evil Queen. While the latter holds it, she may not be stopped to make a disastrous wish.

According to Movie News Guide, Emma Swan disappears after the Evil Queen grants her wish: "I wish I never became a savior" in "Once Upon a Time" Season 6 Winter Finale. Notably, Regina goes after the Savior though there's a cliffhanger that she may not want to come back anymore.

Now, "OUAT" Season 6 fans speculates if the events would lead to something better, as the synopsis describes "hope returns to Storybrooke in the form of a magical wish".Additionally, it says Storybrooke residents will decide for it. Everything has a price to pay if they are willing to sacrifice there's a big possibility.

Furthermore, Inquisitr also reports "that "hope" might return in the form of Sean Maguire's Robin Hood". With his previous demise, the "Once Upon a Time" fans will get an ample surprise from the showrunners. Apparently, Maguire's character will be one of the keys in bringing back peace.

In all, "Once Upon a Time" Season 6 Winter Finale offers hair-raising twists and turns on its December 4 airing on ABC. So, stay tuned to Jobs & Hire for more latest news and updates before it.

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