Four Ways To Improve Your Holiday Personal Finance: Budget Today, Use 'Fintech', Budget Wisely, More!

By JC Santos | Nov 29, 2016 07:00 AM EST


The world's current economic gloom and fluctuating markets cannot guarantee financial security,making holidays possibly troublesome. Families who wish to spend better for the coming holidays or their overall personal finance should take advantage of today's "fintech" to budget and invest.

Without proper accounting, holiday personal finance management is complete torture. One's additional bonus payments that arrive by the end of the year -- if mismanaged -- can mean poor budgeting and of course, the lack of monetary growth. Here are five ways to help either "baby boomers" or "millenials" budget wisely for 2016

Learn to Invest

The current bear market -- bull for optimism, bear for a slump -- means markets and businesses have low to extremely affordable stock prices. This is the right time to open an investment account and take advantage of blue chip companies' stock prices. Of course, you need to save and have at least six months' worth of income before you invest.

Learn To Save

To prepare for a possible market crunch or currency deflation or inflation it would be wise to budget money. Allocate money to your critical expenses and bills before investing in anything. Save -- but save wisely and just enough to invest and circulate the money and increase your investment portfolio.

'Fintech' Usage

Amazing apps on both iOS and Android make business or career organization easier. Today, financial technologies exist to make saving, moving and spending money easier. With digital receipts accessible at any time, users can manage their finances easier. According to, here are the best apps for personal finance management.

Don't Be A Reactive Investor

Reactive investors read the news in the morning. The instant a negative political decision had been made, a new law creates restrictions for their top companies or a disaster had created tighter regulations against corporations, they change their asset allocation.

Investments are made for long-term plans. Stock prices will continue to fluctuate as the market and investor attitude changes. Finding companies that would survive bear markets and increase in value over time is the strategy of a wise investor. Diversify your portfolio in different industries to keep yourself afloat.

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