'No Man's Sky's' 'Foundation' Update Live: A Skyrocket Out Of Its Negative Ratings?

By JC Santos | Nov 29, 2016 06:20 AM EST


Highly anticipated but greatly condemned open universe game "No Man's Sky's" "Foundation" update going live may be its one-way ticket out of the sea of negativity it currently resides in. Gamers in online games store Steam had thumbed-down the game as much as three days after its publishing because it had "lied" about its true gameplay.

The "No Man's Sky" "Foundation" update features the ability to build bases, the introduction of new alien races and possibly ground vehicles. The many new features could make this update one of the biggest game developer Hello Games has made yet.

Whether it is enough to change gamers' minds is still up for debate. Hotly received but negatively shut out, gamers condemned Hello Games for hyping up a game that does not deliver its promises. According to its official Steam Product Page, reviews are greatly negative with some saying the game is just amazing for the first two hours —the time needed to complete the game.

According to Metro, Hello Games should give up on updates because "so much damage was done with the original release not being what people expected." The news website said that the approach of free updates from Hello Games — a costly endeavor on the developer's part — would not appease gamers. Metro added, "Gamers are not suddenly going to forgive them and re-buy 'No Man's Sky' even if the new 'Foundation' update included all the promised features as seen in the original trailer.

The "No Man's Sky" gameplay trailer is truly grand. The video showed a high-definition and beautifully-textured colorful world where the "heads-up display" shows information about the player's environment. The CGI movie — as it was discovered — was only CGI as many of the features in the said trailer did not appear during the game's release leading to gamers' anger and resentment towards the game.

The new "Foundation" update may not be a skyrocket out of the sea of negativity, but it is a step in the right direction. For more No Man's Sky and games updates, stay tuned!

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