Job-Seeking Tips: How To Be A Successful Job Seeker

By Hazel Zol Marie Baloyo | Dec 03, 2016 06:39 AM EST


Searching for a decent and perfect job is never easy, though it can be a little fun and exciting but one has got to go through a lot before he could finally get the perfect job. Before applying for a job, one must know his capabilities. He must also take risks and find ways to open a new window of opportunity.

According to "searching for a job can be a full-time job itself" and no one who has experienced job seeking can ever disagree with that. In applying for a job, resumes and curriculum vitae are very important; to become a successful job-searcher, one must have an interesting resume and CV. A job searcher must reflect and review his resume from time to time but he also has to be a hundred percent honest.

Having a high self-esteem and confidence is important too, but one has got to know the difference between self-confidence and vanity. Vanity can become a negative impression and it's never a good thing. Self-esteem and confidence need to be present when being interviewed, a great employee must show his employer that he is confident and that he is sure of what to do and what he's getting into.

On an article from Forbes, being vulnerable, learning how to listen and being open to feedbacks can be very effective as well. Some employers don't only look for people who can do good work; they're also looking for good people. Those who are smart and wise in life and in their field and those who are humble and knows where to stand when things get good and go smoothly for them.

Know how to take advantage of the internet and all other social media platforms. The internet is an easy access to a lot of things and it can surely help out those job-seekers.

Based on the "Do's and Don'ts" article from Jobs and Hire, one must also focus and reflect on his experiences and accomplishments when applying for a job, this will help the employer know the job seeker's capabilities, knowledge, and background.

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