94-Year-Old Grandma Graduates From College With 4.0 GPA

By Vivienne Ganmerc | Jan 22, 2017 08:03 PM EST


Some college students are ready to throw in the towel after facing some difficulties in campus. But for 94-year-old Amy Craton, having an education should be a priority, no matter how old you are.

According to ABC News, the mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother finally graduated from college after putting her education on hold to look after her family. Craton graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with a Bachelor’s degree in creative writing and English. In addition to that inspiring feat, the Honolulu, Hawaii resident finished college with an impressive 4.0 GPA.

It was reported that Craton first went to college in 1962, but she put her education on hold to support her children. As she’s now in a wheel chair and hard of hearing, attending college on campus wasn’t an option, so she opted to complete her degree online.

“You have to learn as long as you can learn,” said Craton. “Go to college. Don’t be afraid of it.”

And while Craton told the news outlet that she’s happy to have her degree, the 94-year-old said that she’s still looking forward to learn. Now, she’s going for her Master’s degree.

Back in June, Craton spoke with NBC News and talked about why she gave up her studies in the 60’s. The mother-of-four said that she decided to stop and get a full time job after she and her husband divorced.

For years, she worked as an administrative assistant for a chemical plant, but always dreamed about finishing her degree. When her son suggested that she takes classes online, Craton decided to enroll in SNHU’s virtual classes. She said that she chose the school because it brought back fond memories of vacationing in New Hampshire as a young girl.

Craton’s academic adviser, Chrisanda Bauer, said that she was impressed at how her student was “so persistent and so dedicated,” and that she rarely asks for help.

Craton is the oldest student to ever get a degree at Southern New Hampshire University and is one of the oldest graduates in America. She joins the ranks of Nola Ochs and Doreetha Daniels, who are among the oldest US graduates in recent times.

Ochs graduated at the age of 95 with a degree in general studies with an emphasis in history from Fort Hays University in 2007. She also earned her master’s degree at the age of 98.

Daniels was 99 years old when she graduated from College of Canyons in Santa Clarita, California in 2015. She has an associate degree in social sciences.

For more, check out Jobs & Hire’s report on career lessons you can learn from “Hidden Figures.”

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