How To Tell Your Boss That You’re Pregnant

By Vivienne Ganmerc | Feb 21, 2017 11:15 AM EST


Female workers who find out that they’re pregnant have different ways to tell their bosses that they’re expecting. Some choose to tell their managers right away, while others wait until their baby bump is noticeable to announce the happy news. However, is there a right way to tell your boss that you’re pregnant?

According to The Telegraph, pregnancy presents very real challenges for women in the workplace—whether they’re applying for a job, or already in employment. Some women fear that they’re going to be treated differently when the news gets out, or that they may get passed up for leadership opportunities or projects.

However, it is important to tell your boss that you’re pregnant, and here are some tips on how to do it.

Share the news with your boss first

Make it a point to break the good news to your boss first. Don’t tell your favorite co-worker or your office BFF about your pregnancy before telling your boss, as word has a tendency to get around. Chances are your boss might be upset about hearing the news from others rather than from you, so don’t put the conversation off.

Moreover, it’s important to tell your boss especially if you’re having a lot of pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness or fatigue. This usually happens during the first trimester of pregnancy. Letting your boss know that you’re expecting will help him and your colleagues be more understanding if, for instance, you suddenly rush out of an important meeting when you’re feeling nauseous.

Make an appointment with your HR Manager and your boss to discuss your leave

Set a meeting with the HR manager and your boss to talk about your maternity leave. Know your due date and tell them about it at the meeting. This way, your boss knows when you’ll be returning to work.

If you think your announcement might affect your performance review, you can delay it

If you have an upcoming performance or salary review, you can choose to wait until the results are in before telling your boss that you’re expecting.

Provide some solutions on how your job can be managed while you’re on leave

Some managers may react poorly to a pregnancy announcement as they worry that no one will be there to get the job done when a worker is on leave. However, if you provide ideas and solutions on how your job can be managed while you’re away, then this could ease your boss’ worries.

For more, check out Jobs & Hire’s report on how to perform well at work while pregnant.

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