These Are The Habits That Kill Your Productivity

By Vivienne Ganmerc | Feb 21, 2017 11:17 AM EST


Professionals aim to be productive during work hours, but oftentimes, a person’s habits can stand in the way of his or her goals. Though you may think that you’re doing your best at your job, there might be a few things that you’re doing that’s killing your productivity.

The good thing is that these habits can be changed, and you can make adjustments to be more productive in the workplace. With some discipline, focus, and the will to better oneself, you can spend more time doing the things that truly matter in your job.

Here are the habits that are killing your productivity.

Not getting enough sleep

If you’re always sleep deprived, chances are you’re not getting a lot done at work. Some people choose to deal with this by consuming lots of caffeinated drinks, but there’s just no substitute for a good night’s sleep to be able to function well at work. Aim to get at least eight hours of sleep daily to wake up fresh and energized, ready to take on your day.

Not eating well or not eating at all

You may think that you’re boosting your productivity by skipping meals, but this can have a bad effect on your health and work performance. Your body needs food as it fuels your body throughout the day, and you need to consume the right kinds of food to keep you well-nourished.

You use poorly-made tools and gadgets

That pen that always leaves a huge blot on your planner. The stapler that needs to be whacked repeatedly before it works properly. Your computer that takes too long to boot up. Believe it or not, poorly-made tools can affect your productivity, and it also causes a lot of frustration in the long run. So get yourself a nice pen and a stapler that actually works, and see what you can do with your PC to improve its performance.

Your desk is a mess

You may say that your messy desk is just organized chaos, but in the end, clutter is clutter. A messy or disorganized workspace gives the impression that you’re not in control, and your performance also coincides with your space. When your desk is organized, you have the motivation to work. So make it a habit to clean your workspace daily and pare down the items on top of your desk to the essentials.

For more, check out Jobs & Hire’s report on the ways that you’re damaging your career.

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