These Are The Secrets That Baristas Won’t Tell You

By Vivienne Ganmerc | Feb 25, 2017 06:36 PM EST


You may be a mainstay at Starbucks, The Coffee Beanery, or other independent coffee houses, but chances are, you still have a lot to learn about what goes on in your favorite place. If you’re wondering whether what you’re drinking is really decaf or if the person behind the counter is truly adding 2 percent milk to your drink like you requested, there’s no one else who holds the key to the answers but your friendly barista.

Here are the secrets that baristas won’t tell you

You’re getting a lot of sugar in your drink

A Starbucks employee took to Reddit and said that they probably add more sugar than what’s good for you.

“Yes we do put a lot of sugar in our coffee,” said Reddit user 188starbucks. “Give the people what they want, right?”

They love their regular customers

The people who come in every day, and who happen to be especially nice to them, hold a special place in baristas hearts. They regulars also sometimes get freebies such as an extra shot of espresso in their coffee, and are the first to know and sample new drinks and pastries.

They hate summertime

Summertime is when people order Frappuccinos or other kinds of blended drinks, and the season is often dreaded by baristas as mixing up an icy blended drink takes time. So be patient, as some coffee houses only have one blender or two.

It’s probably your fault why your name is misspelled on your cup

On this, the Redditor said, “Because customers mumble! And names are hard!” 188starbucks recalled a particular time wherein he was asked to work at the drive-thru and he had to ask the customer to spell out his name for him.

“Turns out it was Kyle!” said the barista. “In my defense he was mumbly.”

They know that you don’t want to give them your name

Their advice? Make something up. But whatever it is, they’ve probably heard it. They do get annoyed if you make up a name that’s embarrassing to say and they have to yell it out for you to get your drink.

For more, check out Jobs & Hire’s report on the meanest things that customers have ever done to McDonald’s employees.

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