How To Tell If An Internet Job Is A Scam

By Vivienne Ganmerc | Mar 11, 2017 10:39 AM EST


People who are hoping to achieve work-life balance are looking for work-from-home positions on the Internet. It appears that now is the best time to look for remote jobs as companies have realized that they can save money on overhead costs if they hire the right candidates who want to work from home.

While some have found the perfect work-from-home job, other job seekers are not doing too well because, for every legitimate job that’s available, there are about 50 that are complete scams.

According to co-founder Christine Durst (via CBS News), it’s not just the inexperienced who get conned, but “very smart people sometimes have a moment of weakness” when it comes to hunting for an Internet job. Fortunately, there are ways to tell whether a job is a scam or not, so as not to be victimized by these online con artists.

Here’s how to tell if an Internet job is a scam.

It’s too good to be true

If the company is offering you a lot of money but isn’t requiring you to have at least two interviews, then the job is a scam. Also, if you never applied for a job with the company but they’ve gotten in touch with you, this is also a warning sign that shouldn’t be ignored.

Very few details about the job

A real job posting will include the job title, skills required, and specific details about the actual job. If these are not indicated in the job post, or if the requirements are almost too simple that almost anyone can qualify, then consider it a red flag.

They ask for cash upfront

If a company is asking you to pay before they hire you, then you have every reason to be wary. Remember that the company should pay you and not the other way around.

Unprofessional emails

Legitimate companies hire people who can write well. So if you receive emails with grammatical or punctuation mistakes or spelling and capitalization errors, steer clear of this online job scam.

For more, check out Jobs & Hire’s tips on how to avoid burnout while working from home.

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