How to Get the Most From Your On-Premise File Server

By Ernest Hamilton | May 26, 2021 12:02 PM EDT


If your organization is reliant on storage resources that you host and manage in-house, then it is up to you to find ways to ensure that your servers perform optimally and meet expectations in terms of reliability.

Achieving this is not always straightforward, so here are some tips on how to leverage your on-premises infrastructure and allow it to fulfill its potential.

Analyze usage

Often the issues which arise with on-site file servers are related to the amount of storage space that is being used and the extent to which the data that has been retained is actually valuable.

Unless you are vigilant with regards to usage, you could find that you are caught off-guard by reaching the capacity of your hardware, compromising performance and operational effectiveness as a result. Conversely if you monitor this with care you can plan ahead, eliminate unnecessary data and plot out a suitable upgrade path as necessary.

Add cloud file services

As cloud-powered storage solutions become more affordable and impactful, it is better to migrate from a setup that is purely reliant on in-house servers and instead adopt a hybrid approach.

Using something like a Centrestack online file server to act as a remotely accessible and externally hosted repository for mission-critical information should allow you to enjoy the best of both worlds in terms of accessibility and resilience, while also empowering employees to work remotely with greater ease.

Establish a recovery plan

The failure of your on-premises file server is a matter of when, not if, because all hardware has a shelf life and there are other factors to take into account which could take it out of action, such as power outages, natural disasters and cyber attacks.

Because of all these threats faced by businesses of all sizes, it pays to put a recovery plan into place so that you are prepared to cope with the fallout of any number of serious scenarios which might otherwise leave your most precious files inaccessible.

Having a secondary backup for your lynchpin data is a minimum requirement in the digital era, but you also need to remember that this is not enough in its own right; you also have to regularly check up on any backup systems and hardware that you put in place to ensure that they are working as intended. Likewise it is a good move to test drive your recovery plan and weed out any flaws in it under controlled conditions, rather than only finding out about them when you need to use it for real.

Keep software up to date

Whichever server solution you are using to store files on-premises, it is important to install any updates which are made available for the underlying OS and any other software apps that run on it.

There are a few reasons for this, chief amongst which is the benefit of having the latest security patches applied when you update server software. Failing to keep up to date could leave your infrastructure exposed to breaches and other forms of malicious manipulation.

Aside from the security concerns, newer software versions could also run more smoothly and offer additional features that enhance your server's functionality.

Manage user accounts with care

Last but not least, be aware that you need to stay on top of user account management when operating a file server within your business.

For example, this can include deleting the accounts of former employees and contractors, while also keeping information up to date to avoid unforced errors.

Follow all of these tips and you should be set to make full use of your file server without impediment from common conundrums.

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