How To Raise Money for a Startup

By Staff Reporter | Aug 04, 2021 08:31 PM EDT


Are you excited about opening the doors to your new business but a little nervous about where the money is going to come from? Take at least some solace in the fact that you are one of thousands of entrepreneurs who start ventures and feel as if they have to beat the bushes for funding. Fortunately, there are several strategies for adding to the coffers and finally getting off square-one.

What are the most popular go-to methods for acquiring much-needed capital to start a new organization? In addition to the time-honored technique of asking family and friends for seed money, it's also possible to leverage the financial power of crowd-funding, home equity, life insurance policies, personal loans, and even credit cards. The cold fact of the matter is that millions have already walked in your shoes and found a way to move from concept to operations. How did they do it? The following five ideas were at the heart of many previous successes.

Sell a Life Insurance Policy

Consider yourself fortunate if you have live insurance coverage. In most cases, it's possible to sell a policy through a life settlement and obtain instant cash. What's the most effective way to get the most possible for your policy? Step one entails reviewing a guide on the basics of selling a life insurance policy for cash. For entrepreneurs, the process is not only fast and hassle-free, but the best part is that the proceeds can be used for anything you desire, and that includes financing a startup business.

Friends, Family, Acquaintances

The old "FFA" maneuver has been around for decades, and it has been the genesis of some of the world's largest and most thriving corporations. Begin by making a realistic list of people in your personal network who might be willing to invest in your success. It's to your advantage to make proposals structured as formal loans with at least a nominal rate of interest. Many may be more willing to create a loan if there's a piece of paper involved that states the precise terms, interest rate, and expected payback period.


You can go public with your fundraising by starting a funding page on one of the many crowdfunding sites. Be sure to follow the rules about how to handle incoming contributions and to update your contributors regularly. When people give to crowdfunding causes, they like to see at least one update per day, even if it's just a short note about the status of the startup.


Homeowners often borrow against their built-up equity to pay the expenses associated with starting a new company. Speak with your bank or financial advisor to learn about the mechanics of getting an equity-based loan and pay close attention to any restrictions on use of the funds. There are some tips for getting a better mortgage that you should consider before you apply so that you are in the best position possible when you submit your application.

Personal Loans and Plastic

Those with excellent credit scores can take out unsecured loans to help jump-start an entrepreneurial quest. Read the fine print carefully to make sure you're not getting stung on interest rates or getting in over your head. A last resort is credit cards. They usually only make sense for small amounts of cash that you need immediately and can repay quickly.

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