Flipboard App For Android: No Longer Apple iOS Exclusive

The Flipboard app, once only available on Apple phones, is now accessible on Google's Android as well. Flipboard announced on Friday that it could now be used anywhere in the world on Android's Kindle Fire, Nook tablets, and on Android mobile devices.

The app has the ability to transform web content into magazine-like pages.  

The Android available app will also come ready to use on Samsung's Galaxy S 3 through AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint carriers.

Users can now link their Google+ and YouTube accounts to Flipboard and view their streaming stories, send friends updates and posts, and recommend pages they subscribe to, through use of the magazine-like format. Flipboard users can also view video content from channels they follow, watch personally uploaded video, as well as those on their video "Favorite" list.

Flipboard is aware of the possible conflict that might occur between the company and Apple, but Flipboard said expanding its users was vital.

"They would love for us to be iOS exclusive from now until the end of time," said Evan Doll, a co-founder of Flipboard to the New York Times. "But we're trying to reach as big an audience as we can."

Flipboard is among the many popular apps that began as iOS exclusive and then expand to other companies. Similar to Flipboard, Instagram's camera app was initially made just for iPhones, but eventually became available to Android users.

Flipboard has not limited expansion efforts to solely within the United States, it has also customized its program for France, China, Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. The company is also in the process of releasing specific versions of the program for Korea, Italy, Spain, Germany, and The Netherlands.

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