Local Community Opposes Tennessee County's Flag Ban Among Students

Students as well as the community in Dickson County, Tennessee has been raging on the local board's decision to ban all flags from being brought in all schools, with such ban being extended even with the Old Glory.

The said flag ban has been instituted by the local board of the school district in order to cut off any controversy that may arise from the confederate flag, which has since become an issue following the rampage shooting of a bigot in a black church in Charleston, The Blaze reports.

Students protest to the regulation as their freedom of expression is said to be violated and that their patriotism is being restricted by the ban. However, in defense of the flag ban, school officials say that there are other ways to show one's patriotism to show the American pride, as per AJC.

According to The Blaze, director of student services Steve Sorrels said that there was no intention to attack the American flag it being included in the ban and that such was only instituted to address some other issues.

Meanwhile Sun Times New York said that the school district has commented on the issue saying that the media has inaccuracy in reporting on the matters involving the flag ban as it only consists of prohibiting students from "flying on the back of pick-up trucks while inside a school property."

Officials further contended that every school in the district have their own respective American flags standing in school front yards and inside classrooms and that the Pledge of Allegiance is voluntarily recited by students every morning.

On the contrary, students averred that administrators have told them that they would be kicked out from their schools if they brought an American flag within the premises of the school, Sun Times New York further wrote.

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