Belly Fat Vs. Obesity: Research Shows That Death Rate Is Higher Among People With Big Bellies Than Obese Ones And Here's Why

There's bad news for people who have belly fat. Based on a report posted on Albany Daily Star, recent research shows that people with apple-shaped body or the ones that have big bellies, are more at risk for developing deadly diseases, thereby having high mortality rate. Researchers also said that compared to overweight individuals, people with big bellies are worst in terms of health condition.

Moreover, they warned that having a bulging tummy due to the accumulation of excess fat can ultimately lead to death. For women, belly fat is now viewed as an indication of a chance of developing breast cancer.

For years, doctors and other health practitioners have always reminded the public that being overweight or gaining too much fat in the body is not good for the over-all wellness. They say that such excess fat mass makes one susceptible to an array of cardiovascular diseases and slows down metabolism which may render the person diabetic in the end. And it is because of these health issues that belly fat has been judged to possibly increase death rate.

On his article published on Huffington Post, Dr. Jae Teta said that belly fat is "highly dangerous for men and women." The doctor further explained how such type of fat forms in the body.

"Belly fat is stored when the combination of excess calories meets the hormonal influence of cortisol and insulin. For those of you who take a calorie-centered approach to weight loss, you may find that the fat around your belly burns off at a much slower rate. This is because belly fat can be as much a hormonal phenomenon as it is a caloric one," Teta said.

On the other hand, Dr. Francisco Lopez Jimenez, a specialist in cardiovascular diseases at the Mayo Clinic stated that belly fat is generally not healthy because, very often, these are dumped in the liver. When this happens, inflammation may develop and eventually become a factor in instigating heart disease and diabetes.

He also explained that based on the results of his team's research, regardless of body mass index or BMI rate, adults with normal weight but has belly fat are two times more at risk of having shorter lives compared to obese people.

Furthermore, Dr. Samuel Klein, the director of the Center for Human Nutrition at Washington University School of Medicine recommended getting rid of the fat in the belly. He said that aside from the health benefits, it will also make the person look and feel good so it must be done.

In summary, doctors reiterated the importance of regular exercise to lose the fat around the belly area. In addition, eating right and practicing good lifestyle will make belly fat disappear. The flab should be removed right away for a healthier and longer life.

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