Star Wars Episode 7: Where Do We Go Now?

The next installment in the magnum-opus of space operas is set to be released approximately two years from now, in a movie theater not so far, far away. With Harrison Ford reprising the role as space hunk Han Solo, and a rumored cast consisting of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Anthony Daniels; the film from a speculative assumption, will be a reunion movie-goers will never forget.

The reins of the film were handed down to none other than, J.J. Abrams. An increasingly talented director, and protege of Spielberg. Selecting a director for a franchise and budget of this magnitude was not an easy task. Before Abrams was chosen, other candidates up for the director's fold-out canvas chair included Matthew Vaughn, Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, Ben Affleck, Joss Whedon, Rian Johnson and James Cameron.

If Abrams delivers the action-packed intensity of his re-boot of the Star Trek franchise combined with the sheer honesty and integrity of Super 8--put those together, and you've got the potential ingredients for a brilliant, new addition to the ever growing Star Wars universe. The pressure is on Abrams. Show the world you've got the Lucas mojo magically hidden up one of your I'm assuming dry-clean only sleeves.

Unfortunately, the fate of Lucas Film, the most successful independent production company of all-time, now in the warm, sticky kettle corn clutches of over-sized white gloves that belong to a rodent, whom looks strikingly identical to his female counter part, excluding the bow and the out-of-style hippy sun-dress. Yep, you guessed it: Disney: a registered trademark and property of the Disney Corporation and all its affiliates.

Sorry Star Wars nerds, and core movie-fans, but this will be the first Star Wars film to be distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. I guess turning to the Dark Side doesn't sound that bad after-all--pretty much the same thing. Live long and prosper fellow sci-fi fans. Oops...wrong drawn-out space saga: May the Force be with you all.  

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