Walmart Hostage: Sick Man Snatches 2-Year-Old! Girl Held At Knifepoint? WATCH What Happened At Oklahoma Walmart Hostage Standoff [VIDEO & REPORT]

Terror could not begin to describe what this mother had to go through when her 2-year-old daughter was taken into hostage at a local Walmart.

The Walmart hostage situation happened on June 17 in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Alice Keating, the mother of two, was in the diary section when her younger daughter, only at the age of 2, was snatched away from her with a knife pointing to her throat.

The 37-year-old Sammie Wallace took the child to the end of the aisle while her mother followed him, begging for her daughter's safety.

Wallace then gave the mother a cell phone directing her to call a police officer in Texas whom he had been harassing.

The thirty minute negotiations with the police did not resolve the walmart hostage situation, the suspect was seen sitting down on a chair while holding the child as the negotiations continued.

The suspect however, began to make strange demands and refused to compromise by letting go of the Walmart hostage or by letting go of his weapon. He placed the officers in a difficult situation when he started to count down from 60.

Former FBI agent Brad Garrett told ABC News that once a suspect begins to count and threatens to kill a hostage when he finishes, "that's going to move you right up to the point that you will shoot him and that's what occurred in this case."

The police orchestrated a diversion, so that they could shoot the kidnapper before he harmed the child.

Reports later discovered that the Walmart hostage suspect actually suffered from mental illness.

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