Bella Thorne And Tyler Posey's Rumored Affair Gone With The Wind?

Bella Thorne's rumored love affair with "Teen Wolf" star Tyler Posey stirred up attention in the entertainment industry. Yet even before they admitted the truth behind their real score, the two have already broken up, reports said.

According to Food 4 Better Health, Thorne and Posey were seen hugging each other goodbyes outside the actress' home where she wore a skintight white dress that showed her gorgeous physique. However, in her recent post in her twitter account, Thorne said that she finally broke out of the chains she was living in, which might be implying a broke up from her rumored affair with Posey. She added on her tweet "Nobody better. I'm good enough for me".

On the other hand, Bella, who is also known to be a workout addict, wasn't stopped by her supposed heartaches from inspiring her fans and supporters. The actress kept on posting images and snaps on her accounts of herself working out and almost living inside the gym even after her unspoken love affair with the "Teen Wolf" star.

Thorne's incredible beauty and talent in singing, acting, dancing and writing has not only given her a spot in the show business. But it also made her remarkable for dating hot men in the previous years.

In fact, aside from her rumored affair with Posey, Who's dated who named those she dated in the past whom include Charlie Puth, Jake Austin, Kenton Duty, Ryan Nassif, Greg Sulkin, Bella Pandergast and Brandon Thomas Lee.

Furthermore, Bella Thorne started her career as a child star in the film Stuck on You in 2003 and starred several TV series as well as in movies like "Midnight Sun" in 2016, "The Duff" in 2015 and "Blended" in 2014. Tyler Posey on the other hand, starred in movies "Yoga Hosers" (2016), "Scary movie 5" and "Teen Wolf."

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