One of the drivers of students' success is access to use instructional materials, most of the time, lecturers do not supply all the needed information on a topic or subject matter. In fact, lecturers supply the bone while students are expected to provide the flesh. In order to complement class lessons, students usually visit Customwritings.com to study more. Students do not only use online resources to expand their scope about a topic, but a student might also visit the internet in order to read about a topic before class. Some lecturers recommend useful websites for students while some recommend textbooks.
Importance of Visiting Websites to Study
The benefits of surfing the internet for academic purposes are many and varied, with the advent of many educational firms; learning is a bit easier these days. Students who are tech-freak prefer to use their smartphones, computers or desktops to obtain useful information. Let us highlight some benefits of accessing useful academic online resources.
1. It reduces the cost of learning;
2. It widens students horizon;
3. To provide clarity on controversial issues;
4. To demystify complex topics;
5. It reduces stress
6. It helps students stay updated;
7. Etc.
There is absolutely nothing that you cannot find on the internet, instead of carrying big textbooks and keeping bulky instructional materials, everything you need to know is on the internet. It suffices to say that the internet is the student's digital library.
However, there is no denying the fact that the internet is a crowded place, the implication of this is that wrong or inadequate information now trend. As it stands, getting access to the internet is not a problem; the problem is how to identify the right website for a particular topic.
How to Identify Reliable Websites
As students, it is not enough to pick up your phone to google a topic, what tells the difference between you and another student is the ability to obtain adequate information from a reliable website. Before you start to read from the internet, please ensure to check for the following tips
● Visit sites from established institutions;
● Look for sites with expertise;
● Avoid commercial sites;
● Avoid anonymous authors;
● Consider the site's look;
● Check the links;
● Check the date.
Although it is not possible to exhaust the list of useful academic online links in this post, we will take a look at some popular ones. The abovementioned tipis will be able to guide your choice of academic website to visit.
Notable Websites or Links Lists for Students
While it is true that these links are reliable, it is advisable that you consult the instructional materials given by your lecturer. For effective and efficient reading, students are advised to consult more than one site.
1. CustomWritings.com: This website is dedicated to writing essays, their aim is to provide students with useful tips for writing good essays. Essay writing is an unavoidable task for students, some colleges include essay writing as part of the admission requirement. This website helps you to learn essay writing with ease.
2. Saylor Academy: Whenever you visit this website, the content and design are enough to convince you to continue to use their features. This website is for all categories of students and the reliability cannot be doubted
3. Edx.org: Accelerate your future. Learn anytime, anywhere. The latter is the slogan of this educational website. It is useful for language, engineering, humanities, computer science, and management students. You may also browse online courses on this website. On this site, you will find college courses from reputable universities.
4. Khan academy: This website is a friend of students that likes to watch educational videos. This website is for all categories of students irrespective of age. You can get instructional videos, practice exercises and learning dashboards on a variety of subjects.
5. Creative Commons: If you are always having a headache finding where to download images to insert into your work without being accused of intellectual fraud, this website is a good one for you. All the images you will find here are creative commons protected and can be used by anyone.
Additional Websites or Link Lists
If we continue to highlight useful websites and links for students, we will surely write a textbook. Let us end this post by making a list of other useful websites
● Docsity.com;
● TED;
● Hippocampus;
● Oasis;
● Etc.
Finally, students are advised to make consulting reliable websites a lifestyle. Students who do this tend to perform better. You are what you read, so ensure you read the right thing.