If your driver's license has been revoked or suspended, you are probably desperate to have your driving privileges back and are wondering what to do to make that happen. Particularly because the fact that you cannot drive is having a negative impact on your life, your job, your health, and your general well-being.
In what cases do states decide to revoke a person's drivers' license?
All 50 states agree that motorists that have been convicted of multiple DUIs, or individuals that have accumulated a certain number of traffic ticket points should have their licenses revoked. Other violations that carry the same penalty include (typically after multiple convictions):
Reckless driving
Leaving the scene of an accident where injuries are present
Failure to answer a traffic summons
Drag racing or speed contests
Can you appeal a license suspension?
Yes, most states will allow an appeal. In these cases, the driver must file the appeal within a few days after the license has been suspended or the citation has been issued. A hearing date will be set for the appeal to be heard.
What is a Cinderella license and how does it work?
Known as a Cinderella license, this driver´s card allows you to drive certain routes during the day to meet your obligations while all other driving is prohibited. These licenses are also known as hardship licenses.
If you have a certain type of conviction you may be considered eligible to get this limited license, but if you are found guilty of a felony, an aggravated or subsequent offense, you will not receive it.
Assuming you get the Cinderella license, what can you do with it?
If you have convinced the court of the merits of granting you a Cinderella license, you will have limited driving privileges. You must prove that you need the car:
As a necessity in order to perform your job
Because you are in the process of looking for a job
Because it's necessary for you to go to and from work or to and from job training
To transport yourself or a family member to a medical facility to receive treatment
In order to be able to go forward with your education
However, before the court will allow you to start driving, you must prove to them that it is indispensable for you to carry out a specific activity. In order to do that, you must present a letter either from your employer, your state-approved educational institution, your training center or the medical facility that is treating you or your family member. And once the hardship license is granted, you must have that letter with you at all times when you drive.
Is your car insurance affected by this?
It is, and you should contact them to inform them of what has happened and the change to your driving status.
If you have had a problem that has caused you to get your driver's license revoked and are in need of a hardship license, you don't need to navigate the legal system om your own. It's a complex process and you don't need to figure it out alone. RMV Attorney Brian Simoneau in Framingham, MA is an experienced attorney who is familiar with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and can help you get your hardship license granted and perhaps even get your license reinstated.