Typically, when you plan to change your job, you want to say too much to the superiors, and leave the boring place, speaking out. However, do not rush to throw words.
There are two scenarios according to which the events most often develop on dismissal. In the first case, you leave because you have found another job. You want to humiliate your bosses, "teach the company a good lesson," and spills the dirt on everything you can. Another situation: you quit, but have no other offer - then you may feel like a victim and blame everyone around you.
Here are tips on what you shouldn't tell superiors while quitting from the authors of popular career and marketing books Lynn Taylor and Dana Manshiali.
"Regardless of the mood in which you leave the company, you should not burn bridges," says Dana Manshiali. "It depends on your words, whether the company will support you in the future." Dana notes that people usually regret what they said when they submitted their resignation. There were a lot of cases when companies helped their employees with different kinds of problems even after leaving: either with finding a new job or women's AA groups and men's addiction treatment programs.
When leaving the company, it is best to talk about the positive aspects, for example, about the experience gained. "Try to use words that will not leave an unpleasant aftertaste, no matter how difficult it may be. It can always happen that you have to get a job in this place again," Manshiali says.
Lynn Taylor advises not to rush and spend some time thinking about the upcoming conversation. "Write out the positive aspects of working for the company. The bosses will remember everything you say. Exposing negativity, in this case, does not make any practical sense."
Here is a list of 17 things you should not say when you quit.
1. "I'm leaving ... today"
You should never leave the company without giving management enough time to think about the situation and find a new employee. "If you can offer your superiors more than two weeks, it will positively affect your reputation, even if the company does not need so much time," says Taylor.
2. "This is the worst organization I've ever worked for."
You should never give the company negative ratings - this way, you can only lower your chances of returning if needed. "There is nothing good in publicly humiliating a company," Dana says.
Better to say: "I hope that my skills will be more in demand elsewhere."
3. "You do not know how to manage people"
Firstly, insults will not lead to anything. Secondly, the quality of management depends equally on superiors and subordinates, notes Manshiali.
Instead, you can say: "It seems to me that we are both tired of each other so that our relationship as a manager and subordinate was not what it should be." However, it is best to avoid this topic in a conversation at all.
4. "Nobody likes working here."
"Do not try to be the captain on a sinking ship. Even if it's true what you say is true, your colleagues will not appreciate your impulse, since no one chose to speak on their behalf," says Taylor. "Even if they are going to jump from the ship, they will cope with this task on their own."
5. "Other employees get promoted, and I'm moving nowhere, so I'm leaving."
"Usually, a person who says so does not understand that their career advancement is in no way connected with the successes of the colleagues. This indicates a low level of self-awareness," notes Dana.
6. "What we do here is not in accordance with generally accepted standards."
This will not add points to the retiring person, even if the criticism is constructive. "As soon as you say something like that, you're already perceived as a traitor, so don't give the management any reason to think you can become an obstacle for them," says Lynn.
7. "My work is paid too low" or "Salaries in this company are not competitive."
"Statements about unsatisfactory levels of wages, even if they are fair, will be perceived as attacks against the company, and will affect your recommendations and future careers in general," Taylor notes. "Think carefully about what you gain, or rather, lose, openly criticizing employer policy."
Marshial agrees with Lynn: "You can't judge the competitiveness of your salary unless you have conducted statistically reliable market research."
If you still want to mention the salary, you can try: "I was lucky to find a position that would give my family and me a little financial respite."
8. "I am concerned about the company's future."
"You simply express your fears before leaving, but the leadership gets them as a stone in the head," Lynn Taylor said. It is better not to share your doubts with the employer.
9. "I received too much stress working here."
It is always better to talk about such things during the whole work period. Now it is too late. If a company appreciates its employees, it will never let them burn out. If an employee has serious problems such as alcoholism or any other female of male addiction, a company can help find women-only or men-only rehab programs, cover a part of the treatment and give them enough day-offs. The more qualified you are, the more your company will try to help you.
10. "I do not get enough work" or "I am always bored."
This statement speaks only of the lack of initiative, and the employee who uttered such a thing forever marks himself in the eyes of his superiors as "unmotivated." The best tactic is to speak briefly, professionally, and thank for the opportunities provided.
11. "I did not interfere in other people's business and did my work - but my efforts were not encouraged."
Salary and professional employment are the reward. Manshiali says that an employee who wants to attract the attention of superiors and receive thank-you letters or other incentives from the management should talk to the boss about it their own and not wait to be noticed. "Excellence in work is not only blind obedience to superiors. Frankly, such a strategy can have unpleasant consequences."
12. "I have already informed my colleagues about this, and now I am telling you."
Regardless of how strained the employee's relations with the management are, one should always respect the position of the boss and inform him/her of the plans to leave the company before sharing this with anyone else. "All you need is further support from superiors. You won't get it if you put your colleagues above the leadership," says Dana. Lynn advises discussing his decision with family and close friends and then go straight to the boss.