Starting a new job is as exciting as it is nerve-wracking. The meet-and-greet walk-around the office, learning about upcoming projects, and making introductions to the team - calming those first-day jitters can be a challenge. That first week can feel busy as well as overwhelming.
It's also your opportunity to make a good impression on your new employee and to show this person that they've made the right decision by accepting the job offer. Make your new hire feel welcome and happy to be there with these first-day-on-the-job tips.
Make Them Feel Safe
Employees want to feel secure and safe while at the workplace. A well-protected office space that's equipped with updated, current technology is to be expected in today's fast-paced and unpredictable world, and you must provide a safe environment with a secure entrance for your employees.
Reassure your new employee that he or she is in safe hands by supplying them with a personalized ID card that's made in-house. Of course, ID cards are pretty standard in most buildings; but with an ID printing system in the office, you'll be able to give the new hire a card immediately. They'll recognize that you provide safe access for employees and care deeply about the security and wellbeing of the staff.
An in-house ID printing system allows you to create and update staff ID cards at any time with fast results. Your new employee will surely be impressed with your commitment to safety and staying on top of security technology in the office.
Provide a Grand Tour
We've all had some variation of a first-day, workplace tour. Your new boss guides you around the facility as introductions are made to what feels like hundreds of people (sometimes it is hundreds of people), and by the time it's over, you still have no idea where the kitchen area is or the name of your team leader.
If you're leading this tour, don't rush it! Instead of popping your heads in several offices to say hello, sit down and engage with the staff members that your new hire will work closely with in the future.
Talk about office culture and upcoming deadlines. Show them where to find extra pens and paper. And if you really want to give them an enthusiastic welcome, take them out for coffee or lunch.
Have All of the Paperwork Ready
Starting a new job usually means that there's a lot of paperwork involved. There are contracts to sign, legal papers, pension plans - it's not always the most exciting part about a new position, but it's necessary.
Having everything in order within the first week (and even better, on the first day), shows that you cared enough about this employee to get things ready and that you're excited to have them on board. It also demonstrates that you're an organized company.
Starting a new job shouldn't be overwhelming - it should feel exciting! Show your new employee that you care about their safety and wellbeing. It's essential to making them feel welcome.