No one should have to risk their lives or put their health in jeopardy just to put food on the table. Sadly, a huge number of people head out to work every day not knowing if they'll return. Dangerous jobs mean dealing with dangerous equipment, working from heights or placing yourself in incredibly hazardous scenarios, it also means being regularly exposed to dangerous chemicals.
Thankfully, jobs that are considered high risk often come with stringent training and plenty of health and safety measures in place to keep workmen and women safe. However, that doesn't stop accidents from taking place or deadly diseases from developing as a result of chemical exposure - click the link for information on lung cancers including the early symptoms of Mesothelioma.
Here we'll explore the most dangerous jobs out there and if your job is putting your health at risk.
Yes, believe it or not, the humble courier is pretty high on the list of most dangerous jobs. We need couriers to deliver our online orders and food directly to our doors. Whether you're a courier who rides a bicycle across a busy city centre, or you're driving a van across the county delivering parcels, all couriers are at risk from accidents on the roads, being robbed for their goods, mugged for their money and attacked simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Working at great heights poses all kinds of risks, but when you're a roofer working at height its part of your everyday life. Of course, training is incredibly important in this kind of role as is following health and safety legislation. However, accidents involving falling from great heights or being injured by work tools are common amongst roofers.
Oil rigger
People who work on oil rigs often have incredibly stressful and high-pressure roles. Not only are oil riggers working with incredibly dangerous substances, but long hours combined with a lack of sleep and dangerous working conditions mean that explosions, drowning and injuries caused by machinery are likely.
A logger
Working as a logger means you're in one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. More injuries occur in this field than any other, which also means you're more likely to die in a work-related accident. Most deaths and injuries occur, due to accidents with heavy machinery, falling trees, falling from heights and the fact that most logging work takes place in remote areas away from immediate hospital treatment.
Do you give much thought to where your fish and seafood comes from? It's easy to imagine fishing as something calming and relaxing, sadly that couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, fisherman regularly put their lives at risk for their catch. They're at risk of drowning, slipping overboard, accidents involving machinery and sustaining head and internal injuries that can't be treated until they're back onshore or they can be picked up by the emergency services.
Final thoughts...
If you've been involved in an accident at work that wasn't your fault then speak with a personal injury lawyer, today.