Why Hiring a Professional Might Be the Most Sustainable Thing You Can Do

Why Hiring a Professional Might Be the Most Sustainable Thing You Can Do
(Photo : pixabay)

It is obvious that sustainability is important to you. That is laudable and you should be proud of your commitment to do right by the planet and future generations. There are sacrifices that make the commitment challenging, even difficult at times. It is not just about carrying around sloppy food wrappers until you can find the appropriate recycle bin. It is about finding products that are sustainably produced and packaged. Let's not even get into the nightmare of sustainable shipping. There are so many parts of the product chain you just have to accept as is, that it seems you are making no progress at all. It can be tiring and frustrating if you are not careful.

The DIY culture has a lot of overlap with the sustainability culture. There is something particularly rewarding about installing your own solar panels or building your own greenhouse. It feels like you are doing something meaningful when you do it yourself and not calling in experts to do it for you. Calling in experts to do the dirty work feels like cheating on a test where the results really matter to you. Even so, calling in a pro is sometimes the most sustainable thing you can do. It is just a matter of what resource you are trying to sustain and preserve. Here are a few things a professional can help you sustain:

Your Mental Health

It is not easy to be the boss who is always large and in charge of everything in your world. You are in charge at home, at church, at work, and every other aspect of your life. You are monitoring the finances, the employees, the expansion plans, the details of the move, the home decor, and everything else. It is an impossible situation for anyone.

You need to delegate as much as you can and as soon as you can. If you don't, the stress, lack of quality sleep, anxiety, and panic attacks will have you juggling two or three prescriptions for benzos. What are benzos? They are a type of drug used to deal with stress, depression, and panic attacks. They can also be prescribed for certain stomach problems such as IBS. These are the kind of problems common among a certain kind of go-getter who feels the need to do everything themselves. Calling in professional help does not diminish your accomplishments. It does help you preserve your health. That is also a limited resource, and is one of the most important resources you need to preserve and protect.

Time to Enjoy the Things You Have

Some people love doing yard work. But one has to wonder what the point of doing yard work is if you never have time to enjoy your yard. You might as well start a horticulture service, do the work for someone else, and get paid for your efforts. One of the most important reasons to hire a professional landscaper is that the work is very hard and time-consuming. Your kids will not be young forever. You and your spouse have only a limited amount of together time. You are away on business so much that there is little time to enjoy your home, the biggest investment you have by far. By assigning a professional to handle all the yard work, you will preserve enough time to actually enjoy home, hearth, and the people who bring it all to life.


Living a sustainable lifestyle will be a lot tougher if you're broke. Doing all of your home improvements will not do you any favors if they cause you to lose rather than gain equity in your home. Done right, those home improvements will last for a very long time and future owners will appreciate them. Done poorly, you will have to repeat the work and use twice the resources because you didn't do it right the first time. The value of your home will suffer as a result. You need to preserve as much of that value you can for your retirement.

There are a lot more things to sustain and preserve besides rainforests, natural habitats, and spotted owls. All of those things are vital. But so is your mental health, your time with the people you love, and the investments that you will live on in the future. Don't forget about yourself while you are saving the world. After all, you are a part of the world that is worth saving. 

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