Do UC the Difference? 5 Meaningful Benefits of Implementing a Unified Communications System

Do UC the difference? 5 meaningful benefits of implementing a unified communications system
(Photo : Pavan Trikutam via Unsplash)

As increasing numbers of companies grow larger and employees become more remote, it's more important than ever to keep track of communication channels and devices. Luckily, with unified communications, this challenge is made a lot easier. In this post, five of the most meaningful benefits of implementing a unified communications system will be explained, showing you why you might consider making the switch. 

1. Reduced business costs

Keeping on top of several different hardware and software devices and licences inevitably adds to the cost of keeping your business running. On top of this, you'll need to account for a large portion of time to teach employees how to use the platforms effectively - wasting money that could otherwise be used towards growing the business. With unified communications platforms like Horizon Collaborate, you only have to pay for and train employees to use a single platform. 

2. Streamlined operations

By unifying communications into one place, employees will find it a lot easier and quicker to get their jobs done no matter where they're located. For example, you could route all incoming calls to a dedicated team member or device. There are a number of other automations you could set up to make remote work easier for employees too, all without having support from any IT teams. 

3. Improved collaboration

One survey used to assess the improvement in workplace productivity as a result of companies adopting unified communications has shown that on average there has been a 52% improvement in productivity, followed by a 25% increase in profits. 

When your teams have a simple communication platform for everything, collaboration issues will be a thing of the past, allowing things to get done quicker and a lot more effectively.

4. Better customer service 

In order to achieve excellent levels of customer service, you must ensure that your employees have a fast way of communicating with customers and an effective way to share information with one another. Unless you have one streamlined communication service, it can be very difficult to achieve both of these things and you risk certain messaging becoming misunderstood or forgotten altogether. 

Unified communication solutions are key to offering a predictable and high-quality service to customers, ensuring they're satisfied with their experience and likely to return. 

5. Increased levels of security 

Rates of cybercrime are on the rise and the more inconsistency within your organisations' communication systems, the more vulnerable your business is. 

One of the biggest advantages of unified communications is better security. Your calls and communications will be encrypted and therefore less vulnerable to risk with a unified communications system, allowing everyone to feel more at ease with important and private information.   

Final thoughts

Over the last few years there have been big changes in the ways that companies operate, with the coronavirus being one of the major contributors to this change. Workforces are a lot more diverse and remote than ever before, making unified communications vital within modern businesses. Switching to unified communications systems might seem like a big change, and a costly one at that. However, this investment will reap significant benefits for your company, including better security, collaboration, customer service, operations, and reduced costs.  

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