Gorick Ng, a career adviser at Harvard University and instructor at UC Berkeley who focuses on coaching first-generation college students and professionals, has trained numerous early-career professionals at renowned companies worldwide.
Shared with CNBC Make It, Ng emphasizes the Three Cs, which greatly influence how colleagues perceive individuals at work and impact career progressions:
- Competent enough to be trusted
- Committed enough to be invested in
- Compatible enough to be a team player
Ng has condensed practical templates in his book, "The Unspoken Rules," and his series of How to Say It flashcards, enabling individuals to demonstrate the Three Cs effectively.
Here are his top 10 impactful scripts, designed to help readers integrate these concepts into their daily communication. He believes that adopting these expressions will accelerate one's development as a future leader.
1. "What Are Your Top Priorities?"
Numerous early career professionals focus solely on their tasks, or at least give the appearance of doing so. However, the most successful professionals identify the priorities of influential individuals and dedicate their time to what is most crucial to the mission. By posing this question, you demonstrate alignment with your manager's objectives, showcasing your commitment to shared goals.
2. "Would It Be Helpful If...?"
Numerous early career professionals wait for instructions before taking action. However, the most successful professionals proactively seek contributing opportunities, consulting higher-ups before proceeding. By asking this question, you demonstrate your ability to think independently and in the team's best interest, thereby showing your manager your proactive mindset.
3. "Do You Mind If I Join?"
Numerous early career professionals passively wait for opportunities to arise. However, the most successful professionals actively observe their surroundings and take the initiative to involve themselves. While not every attempt may yield a positive response, some will. By asking this question, you demonstrate your proactive approach to personal development and your enthusiasm for generating new opportunities, signaling to your manager your commitment to growth.
4. "How Does This Work?"
Numerous early career professionals perform their tasks without grasping the underlying purpose. However, the most successful professionals comprehend the rationale behind processes and seek ways to enhance efficiency. By asking this question, you demonstrate to your manager that you possess a holistic perspective rather than being fixated on isolated details, showcasing your ability to understand the broader context of your work.
5. "The Context Is..."
Numerous early career professionals tend to launch into lengthy monologues. However, the most successful professionals initiate conversations with appropriate background information to ensure clarity for their audience. Incorporating this opening line into your communication style encourages those around you to progress from merely hearing to truly comprehending your message, thereby enhancing effective communication.
6. "The Key Takeaway Is..."
Numerous early career professionals tend to ramble, often leaving others unsure of their message. Conversely, the most successful professionals succinctly convey their point, pause for emphasis, and expand as needed. Incorporating this line into your communication habits increases the likelihood of effectively communicating your message on the initial attempt, fostering more precise and concise communication.
7. "Just To Recap..."
Numerous early career professionals often resort to smiling and nodding during conversations. Conversely, the most successful professionals reiterate what they believe they've understood, affirming their active listening and clarifying the next steps for others. By incorporating this closing line into your interactions, you reduce the risk of misunderstandings and foster clearer communication pathways, thus enhancing effectiveness in collaboration.
8. "When Can I Check Back With You?"
Early career professionals tend to vanish and invest considerable time in incorrect tasks. Conversely, the most successful professionals regularly contact their managers to verify instructions and adapt to any miscommunication or plan alterations. By concluding meetings with this line, you establish a proactive approach to communication, mitigating the risk of pursuing erroneous paths or being overly managed.
9. "Am I on The Right Track?"
Numerous early career professionals mistakenly believe they're on the right track, only to be surprised by negative performance reviews later. Conversely, the most successful professionals seek feedback regularly after completing tasks, projects, or meetings. By adopting this questioning habit, you consistently solicit feedback, ensure continuous improvement, and consistently meet or exceed expectations.
10. "Is There Anyone Else Whom I Can Reach Out to Speak About___?"
Numerous early career professionals attend meetings, listen, and then leave. However, successful professionals transform a single conversation and connection into multiple opportunities. Incorporating this approach into interactions can transform unfamiliar faces into valuable allies, mentors, and sponsors.